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Skywatch: Watch meteors zoom by and days change length throughout December

The four stars that form the corners of Ka Lupe a Kawelo, the Great Square of Pegasus, are excellent pointer stars that show the direction of both the north and south celestial poles, and serve as an indicator of the path they take across the night sky as they move from the eastern to the western horizon. Read more

Skywatch: Lunar eclipse, meteors enliven November sky

As Nahiku (the Big Dipper) sinks below the western horizon, Iwakeli‘i (Cassiopeia) and Kalupeakawelo (the Great Square of Pegasus) climb high into the northeastern sky, signaling the arrival of Makali‘i (Pleiades) in the star house ‘Aina Ko‘olau on the star compass. Read more

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Saturn, Jupiter, Perseids shine brightly in August

The circular star compass is divided into four quadrants. From north to east is the quadrant Ko‘olau; south to west is the quadrant Kona; south to east is the quadrant Malanai; and north to west is the quadrant Ho‘olua. Read more

‘Imiloa mourns the loss of navigator Kalepa Baybayan

It is with profound sadness to inform you, our valued Skywatch readers, that our dear friend and colleague, Kalepa Baybayan, died from natural causes while visiting and caring for ohana in Seattle on April 8. Read more

Mauna Kea scope offers new look at Crab Nebula

The equinox, mauiili, refers to equal nights — a day in which time is split equally between darkness and sunlight — and occurs twice annually, once in the spring and again in the fall. Read more

Skywatch: Isle-based astronomer earns Nobel accolades

On the morning of Oct. 8, Hawaii’s astronomy community woke to some exciting news: UCLA astronomer Andrea Ghez, who has conducted research with the W.M. Keck Observatories for over 25 years, had just been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics. Read more

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