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John Agsalud

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Tech View: New Windows 11 is boring, but it is an easy transition

When Microsoft somewhat surprisingly announced the release of Windows 11, many were caught by surprise. After all, hadn’t Microsoft said Windows 10 was going to be the last version of its venerable operating system? Now, about a year after its introduction, the initial fanfare has calmed, but folks are still wondering whether they should take the leap. What’s the verdict? Read more

Tech View: Protecting your DNA data could pay off in the future

With genealogy sites all the rage, many folks willingly submit DNA samples to see their family trees. For a few, unintended consequences have surfaced, at least anecdotally, some taking on the status of the urban legend “What do you mean my dad was the postman?” But it’s the unknown unintended circumstances that give us pause. Read more

Tech View: University of Hawaii’s next head football coach should have been Mark Zuckerberg

The recent hiring of Timmy Chang as the next University of Hawaii football coach, along with all its twists, turns and drama, has dominated local news — so much so that another rather significant story seems to have not gained as much attention. This is the donation by Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg of $50 million to UH to help study the impact of climate change on the ocean. Read more

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